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African Muse by Peter Edwards 78x33ins.jpg

African Muse by Peter Edwards, 2012 Oil on canvas 198.1cm x 83.8cm Property of an African Lady

Not as often I would like, I sit beneath my portrait.

I ruminate…

As a verb, to “muse” is to consider something thoughtfully.

As a noun, a Muse means a person – especially a woman who is a source of artistic inspiration.

I have inspired many artistically: offering something evocative or stimulating as food for thought comes as naturally to me as serving an ambrosial plate of self-prepared food.

A few seasoned artists have been seduced to create new work by one of my well-curated culinary offerings to their taste buds.

More have commented to the effect that “Life is my preferred medium of Art.”

So I mused upon the assertion and began to consider:

“Does the Art I inspire imitate my inner life or seeing as my Life and Style does provide inspiration to others is it an expression of Art itself?”

I have always believed that Life is an art form – studying the Ancient philosophies and practises of past civilisations has proven this to be more than apparent: colours, scents, minerals and plants did much more than engage the senses or build industries and monuments: they informed moods, influenced decisions, aligned chakras and healed the sick.

When considering the diverse principles and contemporary evolution of current cultures we commonly find that the nucleus of ancient ideas and divine inspiration remains the same and that much more can be learned from the past and should be holistically adhered to than may be the norm.

In modern times, I exalt that Life should ideally be lived authentically and without artificiality – attuned to the unique attributes of one’s Self and in alignment with our own individual innate gifts, talents and potential.

Once identified, appraised and accepted we should strive to holistically evolve and transcend our weaknesses and flaws in accordance with Universal Law, the principles of Right Thought and Right Action (MAAT) tempered with the potent forces of our natural environment, global cultures and social consciences.


ANCIENT EGYPTIAN unSEEN Peek™ – GODDESS MAAT Third Intermediate Period, c. 800-700 BC Lapis lazuli and gold The Egyptian Museum, Cairo 

It has been suggested that an ennead of Muses comprised of Isis-Maat, Isis-Hathor and the Seven Hathors  were moral cornerstones of the Hermopolitan Theological System.

It is interesting and logical that a Muse would primarily be thought of as female, as Life comes forth from the Earth which is reputed to be feminine and is definitely Divine.

Woman, the portal through which all humanity enters the Earth is a potent force of nature: she can give life or destroy it with one pelvic thrust.

To give life is also to inspire a destiny or path be it human or creative.

Many men can nurture projects or build empires, but they have yet to give birth to another male.

We are not in competition, we all have variant facets that when aligned correctly bring forth the greatest light and enhance our settings.

To be female is to be 50/50 as we are the creation of both a mother and a father.

We all have distinct equilibriums and express our characters differently to personalised biorhythms.

I am a woman and to be a woman is to be the personification of many roles: amongst many, yet first and foremost, I am a daughter, mother and lover; I am somebody’s immortality, creator and kindred spirit.

With the flit of an eyelash or with the turn of a phrase, as a woman I can exercise my innate power to cause an idea to expire in quite an incendiary way; it is the feminine prerogative, but as a Muse, I choose instead to inspire in illuminating ways …

© W. O. Adeyemi/ AFRICA: Seen & Heard Ltd and, 2015. Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to W. O. Adeyemi, AFRICA: Seen & Heard and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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