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The Glamazon in the Looking Glass

“If clothes make the man, jewels mark the Woman…”

A Maxim of Mine

You may have heard me say it or believed it when you’ve seen me during an action-speaks-louder-than maxim moment: usually an entrance.

Man may manufacture the cloth, but nothing beats nature when it comes to making a sublime style statement.

We may help Mother Earth along with the addition of alloys to her most precious metals and the sculpting of a facet here or there, but at the core radiates the gem or the ore.

It can take a lifetime dedicated to the study of gemmology, years waiting for that definitive piece to come up at auction, an evening absorbing a Thames & Hudson tome before flicking through the latest haute joallerie catalogues, too many youthful afternoons spent dissecting movies from Hollywood’s heyday or completing a dissertation on the distortions and destruction inherent to the international diamond trade before you a develop a discerning eye for gemstones and pieces of jewellery that will add that all important touch of glamour in an instant; completing your look and lifting your spirit without leaving blood on your hands.

Luckily for you, I’ve been doing all of these things since my glamourising childhood in the crystallised, encrusted and laméd (gold naturally) 1980’s.

I’m doing something that has been demanded of me by many women, both friends and clientele and for quite some time: giving a window into “Winnie’s World” and hopefully the knowledge, understanding, confidence (and humour!) to select and invest in precious pieces of jewellery that mean as much to you in style as their substance has meant to Woman since the dawn of our time.”

It is the Fourth Day of Christmas, so I have decided to be giving and share the words above from an unpublished 2011 piece within my Life & Style archive.

Better late than never!

YOU have 21 days to strategise and execute a gift campaign or select a well deserved present for your Self – or your Beloved if you are a gentleman reader.

Over the next week, I will give some tips for selecting jewels in synergy with your spirit, aesthetic character and acquisition aims that ensure you out-twinkle or subtly compliment the festive light features wherever the party season should set your style.

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PHOTO CREDIT unSEEN Peek™ NO CLOTHING NECESSARY – Photographs by Coppi Barbieri, styled by Claudia Mata; W Magazine November 2013

© W.O Adeyemi/ AFRICA: Seen & Heard Ltd and, 2015. Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to W.O Adeyemi, AFRICA: Seen & Heard and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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